The Anti Narcotics Force Act, 1997, is a crucial piece of legislation in Pakistan aimed at combatting the illegal drug trade and drug-related crimes. It establishes the Anti Narcotics Force (ANF), a specialized law enforcement agency dedicated to the prevention, detection, and investigation of narcotics-related offenses. This act plays a pivotal role in addressing the adverse social, health, and security consequences associated with drug trafficking and abuse, and it underscores Pakistan’s commitment to international efforts to combat the illicit drug trade
1 Short title and commencement
2 Definitions
3 Constitution of the Force
4 Superintendence and administration of the Force
5 Functions of the Force
6 Power of the members of the Force
7 Wearing of Uniform
8 Punishment
9 Grounds of punishment
10 Authority to award punishment
11 Terms of service
12 Conduct and Discipline
13 Members to serve anywhere
14 Members as public prosecutors
15 Delegation of powers
16 Indemnity
17 Power to make rules
Section 9
Authorities to award punishment
ACT No.III OF 1997
An Act to provide for the constitution of Anti‑Narcotics Force
WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the constitution of a Force for the purpose of inquiring
into, and investigating offences relating to narcotics and Narcotics Trafficking and for matters
connected therewith or incidental thereto;
It is hereby enacted as follows:
- Short title and commencement.__
(1) This Act may be called the AntiNarcotics Force Act,
(2) It extends to the whole of Pakistan.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
- Definitions. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,__
(a) “Code” means the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, (Act V of 1898);
(b) “Director‑General” means the Director General of the Force;
(c) “Force” means the Anti‑Narcotic Force constituted under section 3;
(d) “narcotics” includes narcotic, drugs, psychotropic substances and controlled substances as
defined in the Control of Narcotic Substances Ordinance, 1996, (XCIV of 1996)
(e) “police” means a policeforce constituted by the Federal Government or Provincial
Government under the Police Act, 1861 (V of 1861).
(f) .”prescribed” means prescribed by rules under this Act; and
(g) “rules” means rules made under this Act.
1This Act shall apply to FATA vide S.R.O.No. 489(1)/98, dated 2651998, with certain condition.
(2) The words and expressions used but not defined herein shall have the same meaning as
assigned to them in the Control of Narcotic Substances Ordinance, 1996, (XCIV of 1996).
- Constitution of the Force.__
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the
time being in force, the Federal Government may constitute a Force to be called the Anti Narcotics
(2) The Force shall consist of a Director‑General to be appointed by the Federal Government and
such number of other officials as the Federal Government may, from time to time, appoint to be
members of the Force.
(3) On commencement of this Act, the Pakistan Narcotics Control Board constituted under the
Government of Pakistan, Planning Division’s Resolution, dated the 8th March, 1973, and
Anti‑Narcotics Task Force constituted under the Anti Narcotics Task Force Ordinance, 1994,
(LXXVI of 1994) shall stand merged and all personnels, including officers, ministerial staff and the
contingent staff of the said Board and Task Force shall, subject to the provisions of section 11 become
members of the Force and be governed in accordance with this Ordinance and the rules made
(4) The Force shall for all intents and purposes be successor of Pakistan Narcotics Control Board
and Anti‑Narcotics Task Force in respect of all cases, inquiries, investigation, assets, liabilities, rights,
obligations and privileges and matters related thereto or connected therewith.
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in the General Clauses Act, 1897, (IV of 1897). anything
done or action taken before the commencement of this Act, under the Anti Narcotics Task Force
Ordinance, 1994 (LXXVI of 1994), or otherwise by the Pakistan Narcotics Control Board in so far it
is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act shall be deemed to have been done or taken under
this Act.
- Superintendence and administration of the Force.__
(1) The superintendence of the Force
shall vest in the Federal Government.
(2) The Administration of the Force shall vest in the Director‑General who shall exercise in
respect of the Force all powers of an Inspector‑General of Police under the Police Act, 1861, (V of
1861). and all other powers under the Act.
(3) In case of any officers and members from the Armed Forces, the Director‑General shall have
all powers conferred by or under the Pakistan Army Act, 1952, (XXXIX of 1952). the Pakistan Air
Force Act, 1953, (VI of 1953). and the Pakistan Navy Ordinance, 1961, (XXXVI of 1961).
respectively as an officer empowered to convene a General Court Martial:
Provided that such powers shall be exercised only by the DirectorGeneral who is in the regular
service of any of the Armed Forces.
- Functions of the Force. The Force shall
(a) inquire into, investigate and prosecute all offences relating to, or connected with,
preparation, production, manufacture, transportation, illicit trafficking or smuggling of
intoxicants, narcotics and chemical precursors or reagents used in the manufacture of
narcotics or any offence committed in the course of the same transaction under any law
for the time being in force, including an attempt or conspiracy to commit, or any
abetment of, any such offence, or any offence committed under the Control of Narcotics
Substances Ordinance, 1996 (XCIV of 1996) or the Prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd)
Order, 1979 (P.O. 4 of 1979);
(b) trace and freeze the assets;
(c) provide assistance and advice to other enforcement agencies on all matters in the field of
narcotics and to collect information from all national and international enforcement
agencies about illicit narcotic traffic and traffickers;
(d) maintain liaison with all national or international narcotics authorities, organisations,
bodies, associations and societies and represent Pakistan in such conferences, seminars
and workshops arranged by any such organization on narcotics related matters;
(e) arrange and co‑ordinate training of own staff and members of other enforcement agencies
in various aspects of narcotics enforcement;
(f) co‑ordinate the project and schemes for elimination and destruction of poppy cultivation;
(g) perform any other related functions which may be assigned to it by the Federal
- Power of the members of the Force.__
(1) The members of the Force shall, for the purpose of
any inquiry or investigation under this Act, have throughout Pakistan such powers, including the
powers relating to search, arrest of persons and seizures of property, and such duties, privileges
and liabilities as a policeofficer has in respect of offences under the Code or any other law for
the time being in force.
(2) Save when the Director‑General otherwise direct, a member of the Force, not below the rank
of an Inspector may, for the purpose of any inquiry or investigation under this Act, exercise all the
powers of an officerincharge of a policestation in any area in which he is for the time being and,
when so exercising such powers, shall be deemed to be the officerincharge of a policestation
discharging his functions as such within the limits of his station.
(3) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of subsection (1) and subsection (2),
any member of the Force not below the rank of Inspector, authorized by the Director‑General in this
behalf, may arrest without warrant any person who has committed or against whom a reasonable
suspicion exists that he has committed any of the offences relating to narcotics referred to in clause
(a) of section 5.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, a member of
the Force not below the rank of Inspector authorised by the Director‑General, may inquire,
investigate and trace the assets of a person who has committed an offence referred to in clause (a) of
section 5 or when in his opinion, there is a reasonable suspicion that the said assets were acquired
through illicit involvement in narcotics, and may, for this purpose, require a bank or other financial
institution or departments, whether under the control of Government or otherwise to furnish such
information as he may specify.
(5) If in the opinion of a member of the Force, conducting an inquiry investigating or tracing any
assets under subsection (4), which is likely to be removed, transferred or otherwise disposed of, such
member may, notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, by
order in writing direct the owner or any person who is for the time being in possession thereof, not to
remove, transfer, or otherwise dispose of such property in any manner except with the previous
permission of that member and such order shall be subject to any order made by the Court having
jurisdiction in the matter.
(6) Any contravention of any order made under subsection (4) or (5) shall be punishable with
rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.
(7) Any member of the Force may, in performance of its functions and exercise of powers as may
be prescribed, seek assistance from all officers of police, customs, excise, Federal Investigation
Agency or any other investigation agency or authority or civil armed forces.
(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, the Federal
Government may, in respect of any case registered by, or under investigation of, police customs,
excise, Federal Investigation Agency or any other investigation agency or authority, by order in
writing, entrust inquiry or such investigation to the Force, and thereupon the police, customs, excise,
Federal Investigation Agency or any other investigation agency or authority shall transfer the record
of the case to the Force.
(9) The Force may, in accordance with the law, establish as many policestations as are required
for the efficient functioning of the Force and all PoliceStations of Anti‑Narcotics Task Force and
Pakistan Narcotics Control Board shall be deemed to be the police stations of the Force.
Explanation.__For the purpose of this Act, the expression “police station” means and includes
any place declared as such, by the Federal Government or a Provincial Government to be a police
station within the meaning of the Code.
- Wearing of Uniform. All members, excluding ministerial staff of the Force, employed on
enforcement duties shall wear such uniform as may be prescribed.
- Punishment.__
(1) The following minor and major punishments shall be awarded to the officers
and members of staff of the Force, namely:__
(a) Minor Punishments:
(i) Censure;
(ii) forfeiture of approved service up to two years;
(iii) withholding of promotion up to one year;
(iv) stop of increment for a period not exceeding three years without cumulative
(v) fine to any amount not exceeding one month’s pay;
(vi) confinement to quarters for a term not exceeding fifteen days, with or without
punishment, drill, extra guard, fatigue other duty; and
(vii) extra drill not exceeding fifteen days, fatigue or other duties.
(b) Major Punishments:
(i) Reduction in rank;
(ii) compulsory retirement;
(iii) removal from service; and
(iv) dismissal from service
(2) Removal from service does not, but dismissal from service does, disqualify for future
(3) In this section, removal or dismissal from service does not include the discharge of person
(a) appointed on probation, during the period of probation or in accordance with probation or
training rules applicable to him; or
(b) appointed, otherwise than under a contract, to hold a temporary appointment on the
expiration of the period of appointment; or
(c) engaged under a contract, in accordance with the terms of the contract.
- Grounds of punishment. Where, a member, in the opinion of the Authority:__
(a) is inefficient or has ceased to be efficient; or
(b) is guilty of misconduct; or
(c) is corrupt or may reasonably be considered corrupt because
(i) he is, or any of his dependents or any other person claiming through him, or on his
behalf is, in possession (for which he cannot reasonably account) of pecuniary
resources or any property disproportionate to his known sources of income; or
(ii) he has assumed a style of living beyond his ostensible means; or
(iii) he has a reputation of being corrupt, or
(d) he is engaged, or is reasonably suspected of being engaged in subversive or narcotics
activities, or is reasonably suspected of being associated with those engaged in subversive
or narcotics
activities or is guilty of disclosure of official secrets to any unauthorised person, and his retention
in service is, therefore, prejudicial to national security and interest of State, the, authority may impose
on him one or more punishments specified in subsection (1) of section 8.
- Authority to award punishment. The authorities to award punishment under section 8 are
specified in the Schedule to this Act.
- Terms of Service.__
(1) All personnels upto the rank of Inspector and their equivalent in the
ministerial staff of the Force may elect to be governed by the existing terms of service applicable to
them and such option shall be sent to the Director‑General, of the Force within such period as may be
decided by the Director‑General failing which they shall be deemed to have opted to serve under this
(2) The personnels not opting to serve in accordance with the terms of this Act may, at the
discretion of the Director‑General, be placed at the disposal of Federal Government for adjustment
- Conduct and Discipline.__
(1) The police Act, 1861, (V of 1861). the Police Rules, 1934, and
the Punjab Police (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1975, shall, mutatis mutandis, be applicable to
all members up to the rank of an Inspector, if not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act or where
operation of any provision thereof is excluded by the Director‑General by a specific order made in
this behalf.
(2) Subject to subsection (1), all members of the Force, including the ministerial staff except
those on deputation from the armed forces, shall be governed by the Civil Servants Act, 1973, (LXXI
of 1973). and rules made thereunder.
- Members to serve anywhere. Every member of the Force shall be deemed to be always on
duty and be liable to serve anywhere within or without Pakistan.
- Members as public prosecutors. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code, all
Directors, Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors of the Force, shall be exofficio public
prosecutors in respect of all offences relating to narcotic and specified in clause (a) of section 5, for
trial before the Special Court or any other Court when so directed by the Director‑General and may
conduct the proceedings in the said Court and deal with any matter connected therewith or ancillary
- Delegation of powers.__The Director‑General may, by order in writing, direct that all or any
of his powers under this Act or the rules shall,
subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order, be exercisable by any member
of the Force.
- Indemnity. No suit, prosecution, or other proceedings shall lie against the Federal
Government, Provincial Government, Director‑General or any member of the Force or any other
person exercising any power or performing any function under this Act, or the rules made thereunder
for anything which is done in good faith or intended to be done under this Act or the rules.
- Power to make rules.__
(1) The Federal Government may, by notification in the Official
Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may
provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:__
(a) the terms and conditions of service of the Director‑General and other members of the
Force and the qualifications for recruitment to various posts;
(b) the powers and functions of the members of the Force in relation to the conduct of
inquiries and investigations; and
(c) the manner in which rewards may be given to the members of the Force or to the public
for rendering commendable service.
(Section 9)
Authorities to Award Punishment
S.No. Punishment Inspector or
SubInspector or
equivalent or a
grade between
Constable or
grade or a
Constable or
equivalent or
lower grade
1 Extra Drill not
exceeding 15 days
Fatigue or other
Dy. Director Asstt. Director
2 Confinement to
upto 15 days.
Dy. Director Asstt. Director
3 Censure. Director Director Dy. Director Asstt. Director
4 Forfeiture of
approved Director
service upto 2
Director Director Dy. Director Asstt. Director
5 Stop of
increments not
exceeding 3 years.
Director Director Dy. Director Asstt. Director
6 Fine to any
amount not
exceeding one
month’s pay.
Director Director Dy. Director Asstt. Director
7 With holding of
promotion for one
year or less.
Director Director Dy. Director Asstt. Director
8 Reduction for
substantive rank
to a lower rank
reduction in pay.
Director Director Dy. Director Asstt. Director
9 Dismissal,
removal from
Director Director
Explanatory Note.__ The punishments as mentioned in the punishment Table may also be
inflicted on members of the various ranks shown in the heading Nos. 3 to 6 by an officer of higher
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