THE CIVIL SERVICE OF PAKISTAN (COMPOSITION AND CADRE) RULES, 1954 The Civil Service of Pakistan (Composition and Cadre) Rules, 1954, represent an essential set of regulations that define the composition and organizational structure of the civil service in Pakistan. Enacted in 1954, these rules provide a structured framework for determining the cadre positions, classification, and categories within the civil service. In this introduction, we will delve into the historical context, key objectives, and legal significance of these rules. Whereas the governor-general and the Governors of East Bengal, the Punjab, Sind and the North-West Frontier Province have agreed that there shall he constituted a service of the Federation to he known as the Civil Service of Pakistan and that certain posts in connection with the affairs of the Provinces shall be filled by members of the Service and specify, as tar as need he, the conditions of service of its members, whether serving in posts in connection with the affairs of the Federation or of a Province ; Now, therefore, in pursuance of that agreement, and in exercise of the powers conferred by subsections (1) and (2) of section 241 of the Government of India Act, 1935, and of all other provisions empowering him in this behalf, the governor-general is pleased to make the following Rules:- These Rules may be cited as the Civil Service of Pakistan (Composition and Cadre) Rules, 1954. In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires- (a) “ Cadre post” means any duty post included in the Schedule ; (b) “ Commission” means the Federal Public Service Commission ; (c) “ Schedule” means the Schedule to these Rules ; (d) “ Service” means the Civil Service of Pakistan. (1) Appointments to the Cadre posts shall be made by the President in accordance with rules to be made by him for the purpose. Every person not being a member of the Service, who is appointed to a cadre post in accordance with the rules regulating such appointment shall,- on his appointment to that post becomes a member of the Service; and (b) on his confirmation in the Service, ceases to be a member of the Service, if any, to which he belonged immediately before such confirmation. Persons appointed to the Service shall, unless the President otherwise directs, be appointed on probation and the President may make rules specifying the terms and incidents of such probation. In particular, he may provide for the removal from the service during his term of probation of any person whose conduct and progress is unsatisfactory or for the withholding of increments from such persons. [5 to 7]. Omitted (1) The President, in the case of posts in connection with the affairs of the Federation, and the Governor in the case of posts in connection with the affairs of a Province, may, as the exigencies of the public service require, appoint a person not being a member of the Service to any Cadre post. (2) Every such appointment made by a Governor shall be provisional and. if the person so appointed is intended to hold the appointment for a period exceeding 3 months, shall forthwith be reported to the President with the reasons for making it and if the President so direct the Governor shall thereupon cancel the appointment. (3) Any person appointed to hold a Cadre post under this rule shall not he employed in the post for a period exceeding 12 months save with the previous sanction of the President. (1) If a Governor proposes to keep any Cadre post in connection with the affairs of a Province vacant for a period exceeding 3 months, he shall forthwith make a report to the President of the reasons for the proposal, the period for which he proposes to keep the post vacant and whether it is proposed to make any and, if so, what arrangements for the performance of the duties of the post held in abeyance. (2) If the President directs that the post shall be filled, the Governor shall appoint a person to fill it in accordance with the provisions of these rules. The President may by special or general order temporarily dispense with the provisions of rules 8 and 9 requiring a Governor to report to the [President], any case in which a Cadre post is filled otherwise than under rule 7 by a person not being a member of the Service or in which a Cadre post is kept vacant for a period exceeding 3 months. The Governor of a Province may direct that two Cadre posts in connection with the affairs of a Province shall be held jointly if he considers this necessary for the purpose of facilitating any leave arrangement or for a period not exceeding 3 months if he considers this necessary for any other purpose. No change shall be made in the duties of the holder of any reserved post if, in the opinion of the [President], the character of that post would thereby be altered: Provided that this shall not apply to a temporary change consequential on leave arrangement or to a charge not arising from leave arrangements which will not last more than three months. (1) The President may, from time to time, and in the case of post in connection with the affairs of a Province, after consultation with the Government of that Province, remove, any post from the Schedule or include any post therein. (2) A Governor may if the exigencies of the public service so require, create a Cadre post in connection with the affairs of a Province below the rank of a Commissioner of a Division, for a period not exceeding three months. If subsequently the Governor proposes to retain that Cadre post for a further period, he shall forthwith make a report to the President of the reasons for the proposal and the period for which he proposes to retain that post and shall act in accordance with such directions as
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