THE CIVIL SERVANT’S (APPOINTMENT, PROMOTION AND TRANSFER) RULES, 1973 The Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion, and Transfer) Rules, 1973, are a significant set of regulations that govern the processes of appointment, promotion, and transfer of civil servants in Pakistan. These rules, established in 1973, provide a structured framework for the recruitment, career advancement, and transfer of government employees. In this introduction, we will delve into the historical context, key objectives, and legal significance of these rules.   In exercise of the powers conferred by section 25 of the Civil Servants Act, 1973 (LXXI of 1973), the President is pleased to make the following rules, namely ; PART I GENERAL These rules may he called the Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1973. In these rules, unless there in anything repugnant in the subject or context,– “appointing authority,” in relation to a post means the person authorized under Rule 6 to make appointment to that post; “Central Selection Board” means the Board constituted by the Federal Government for the purpose of selection for promotion or transfer to posts in [basic pay scales 19 to 21 and equivalent] and consisting of such persons” as may be appointed to it by Government from time to time ; “Commission” means the Federal Public Service Commission ; “Departmental Promotion Committee” means a Committee constituted for the purpose of making selection for promotion or transfer to costs under a Ministry, Division. Department or office of the Federal Government in [basic pay scales IS and below and equivalent ; “Departmental Selection Committee” means a Committee constituted for the purpose of making selection for initial appointment to posts under a Ministry, Division, Department or. office of the Federal Government in [basic pay scales 15 below and equivalent; (1) Appointments to posts shall be made by any of the following methods, namely :- by promotion or transfer in accordance with Part II of these rules; and by initial appointment in accordance with Part III of these rules. (2) The method of appointment and the qualifications and other conditions applicable to a post shall be as laid down by the Ministry of Division concerned in consultation with the Establishment Division. (1) In each Ministry, Division, Department or Office of the Federal Government, there shall be one or more Departmental Promotion Committees, and Departmental Selection Committees, the composition of which shall be determined by the Ministry or Division concerned in consultation with the Establishment Division. (2)       Each such Committee shall consist of at least three members one of whom shall he appointed Chairman. Where an appointing authority for Grade 15 and below does not accept the recommendation of a Departmental Selection or Departmental Promotion Committee, it shall record reasons therefor and obtain orders of the next higher authority. The authorities competent to make appointment to the various posts shall be as follows:-   Posts Appointing Authority 1. Posts in basic pay scales 20 and above or equivalent i.e. posts carrying pay with the maximum of Rs. 5,240 and above. President 2. Posts in basic pay scales 17 to 19 or equivalent i.e. posts carrying pay with the maximum between Rs. 3,040 and Rs. 5,239. Establishment Secretary 3. Posts in basic pay scales 3 to 16 or equivalent i.e. posts carrying pay with the maximum between Rs. 760 and Rs. 3,039. Secretary of the Ministry /Division concerned or the Head of the Department provided he is an officer drawing pay in basic pay scale 20 or above and equivalent. 4. Posts in basic pay scales 1 and 2 or equivalent i.e. posts carrying pay with the maximum exceeding Rs. 759 Deputy Secretary or Head of the Department or Head of the Office.   Provided that the President may designate an officer holding a post in basic pay scale I8 or 19 and equivalent in a Ministry, Division, Department or Office to he the appointing authority for posts in basic pay scales 1 to 16 and equivalent in the Ministry, Division, Department or Office : Provided further that the President may designate an officer of the Pakistan Army, Pakistan Navy or Pakistan Air Force, not below the rank of Major or equivalent, to be the appointing authority for civil posts in basic pay scales 1 to 16 and equivalent in the General Headquarters, the Naval Headquarters or the Air Headquarters]. PART II APPOINTMENT BY PROMOTION AND TRANSFER Promotion and transfers to posts in [basic pay scales 2 to 18 and equivalent] shall be made on the recommendation of the appropriate Departmental Promotion Committee and promotions and transfers to posts in [basic pay scales 19 to 21 and equivalent] shall be made on the recommendations of the Central Selection Board: Only such persons as possess the qualification and meet the conditions laid down for the purpose of promotion or transfer to a post shall he considered by the Departmental Promotion Committee or the Central Selection Board, as the case may be. 8-A.        No promotion on regular basis shall be made [to posts in basic pay scales 18 to 21 and equivalent] unless the officer concerned has completed such minimum length of service as may be specified from time to time. 8-B.–       (l) Where, the appointing authority considers it to be in the public interest to fill a post reserved under the rules for departmental promotion and the most senior civil servant belonging to the cadre or service concerned who is otherwise eligible for promotion does not possess the specified length of service the authority may appoint him to that post on acting charge basis. (2)   So long as a civil servant holds the acting charge appointment, a civil servant junior to him shall not be considered for regular promotion but may be appointed on acting charge basis to a higher post. (3)   In the case of a post in [basic pay scales 17 to 22 and equivalent] reserved under the rules to be filled by initial appointment, where the appointing authority is satisfied that no suitable officer [drawing pay in


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