The Baluchistan Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1979
The Baluchistan Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1979 The Baluchistan Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1979, are a significant set of regulations that govern the conduct and behaviour of government employees in the province of Baluchistan, Pakistan. These rules, enacted in 1979, outline the standards of behaviour, ethics, and professionalism expected from government servants. In this introduction, we will explore the historical context, key objectives, and legal significance of these rules. Rules Contents 1 Short title and commencement 2 Extent of application 3 Definitions 4 Gifts 5 Acceptance of foreign awards 6 Public demonstration in honour of Government servants 7 Gift to medical officers 8 Subscriptions 9 Lending and borrowing 10 Buying and selling of movable and immovable property 11 Construction of building etc. 12 Declaration of property 13 Disclosure of assets, immovable, movable and liquid 14 Speculation and investment 15 Promotion and management of companies, etc. 16 Private trade, employment or work 17 Subletting of residential accommodation allotted by Government 18 Government servants not to live beyond his means, etc. 19 Insolvency and habitual indebtedness 20 Unauthorized communication of official documents or information 21 Approach to Members of the Assemblies, etc. 22 Management etc. of newspapers or periodicals 23 Radio broadcasts, television programmes and communication to the Press 24 Publication of information, public speeches and television programmes capable of embarrassing the Government 25 Evidence before Committees 26 Taking part in politics and elections 27 Propagation of sectarian creeds, etc. 27-A Government servants not to express views against ideology of Pakistan 27-B Government servants are not to take part in or assist, any public demonstration against Government decisions etc. 28 Nepotism, favouritism victimization, etc. 29 Vindication by Government servants of their public acts or character 30 Membership of Service associations 31 Use of political or other influence 32 Approaching foreign missions and aid-giving agencies 33 Delegation of powers 33-A Relaxation Short title and commencement.-(1) These rules may be called the Baluchistan Government Servants (The Baluchistan Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1979 1 They shall come into force at once. Extent of application rules shall apply to all persons, whether on duty or on leave, within or without Baluchistan, serving in connection with the affairs of the Province of Baluchistan, including the employees of the Provincial Government deputed to serve with a Statutory Corporation or with a non-Government employer, but excluding- (a) members of an All-Pakistan Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Province; (b) holders of such posts in connection with the affairs of the Province of Baluchistan, as the Provincial Government may, by a notification in the official Gazette, specify on this behalf. Definitions.-(1) In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context- (a) ‘Government’ means the Government of Baluchistan; (b) ‘Government Servant’ means a person to whom these rules apply; (c) ‘Member of a Government Servant’s family’ includes- (i) his wife, children, and step-children, parents, sisters and minor brothers residing with and wholly dependent upon the Government servants; and (ii) any other relative of the Government servant or his wife when residing with and wholly dependent upon him; but does not include a wife legally separated from the Government servant, or a child or step-child who is no longer in any way dependent upon him, or of whose custody the Government servant has been deprived by law; and (d) ‘Province’ means the Province of Balochistan. (2) Reference to a wife in clause (c) of sub-rule (1) shall be construed as reference to the husband where the Government servant is a woman. Gifts.-(1) Save as otherwise provided in this rule, no Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of Government, accept or permit any member of his family to accept, from any person any gift the receipt, of which will place him under any form of official obligation to the donor. If the offer of a gift cannot be refused without giving undue offence it may be accepted and delivered to the Government for decision as to its disposal. (2) If any question arises whether receipt of a gift places a Government servant under any form of official obligation to the donor, the decision of the Government thereon shall be final. (3) If any gift is offered by the head of the representative of a foreign State, the Government servant concerned should attempt to avoid acceptance of such a gift, if he can do so without offending. If however, he cannot do so he shall accept the gifts and shall report its receipt to Government for orders as to its disposal. (4) A Government servant may accept gifts offered abroad or within Pakistan by institutions or official dignitaries of Foreign Government of comparable or higher level; provided that the value of such gift in each case does not exceed rupees one thousand. (5) A Government servant desirous of retaining gift value of which exceeds rupees one thousand may retain it on payment of difference, after evaluation of the gift by a Committee headed by the Chief Secretary: Provided that the gift shall first be offered for sale to the person who received it from a foreign dignitary. Acceptance of foreign awards.-No Government servant shall, except with the approval of the Government of Balochistan, accept a foreign award, title or decoration. Explanation.-For the purposes of this rule, the expression ‘approval of the Government’ means prior approval in ordinary cases and post facto approval in special cases where sufficient time is not available for obtaining prior approval. Public demonstration in honour of government servants.- No Government servant shall encourage meetings to be held in his honour or presentation of addresses of which the main purpose is to raise him. Gift to medical officers to the departmental rules on this behalf, a medical officer may accept any gift of moderate value offered in good faith by any person or body of persons in recognition of his professional services. Subscriptions. -No Government servant, shall, except with the previous sanction of Government, ask for or accept
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