THE PUNJAB CIVIL SERVANTS RECRUITMENT (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit) RULES, 1976 The Punjab Civil Servants Recruitment (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit) Rules, 1976, are a set of regulations within the Punjab province of Pakistan that provide guidelines for the relaxation of the upper age limit in the recruitment of civil servants. These rules outline specific circumstances and conditions under which the upper age limit for candidates seeking civil service positions may be relaxed, allowing for greater inclusivity in the recruitment process. [1st April, 1976] In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 23 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act. 1974, the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following rules to relax the upper age limit prescribed for recruitment to various posts namely:- 1. (a) These rules may be called the Punjab Civil Servants Recruitment (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit) Rules, 1976. (b) These rules shall apply to the recruitment of all posts. (c) They shall come into force at once. 2. Definitions: In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:- (i) ‘Scheduled Castes’ means the castes, races or tribes or parts of groups, within castes, races, or tribes declared to be scheduled castes under any law in force in the Punjab or so declared by Government for the purposes of various Services/Recruitment Rules, and (ii) ‘Under-developed Area’ means the Baluch Area of D.G.Khan District and such other areas as Government may declare to be under-developed areas for the purposes of various Service/Recruitment Rules. [(iii) ‘Disabled person’ means a person who, on account of injury, disease or congenital deformity, is handicapped for under taking any gainful profession or employment in order to cam his livelihood, land included a person who is blind, deaf, physically handicapped or mentally retarded: Provided that only such disabled person should be eligible to be considered for job reserved for disabled persons, who’ are duly registered with the Employment Exchange of the area and have been declared to be disabled and fit for work of a particular job by the Provincial Council as defined in Section 5 of Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance, 1981.] 3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any rules applicable to any post or service:- [(i) In the case of the candidates from Scheduled Castes and Under-developed areas, for a period of 20 years from the commencing day of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the upper age limit shall be relaxed by three years;] [(ii) in case of a person whose services under Government have been terminated for want of vacancy the period of service already rendered by him shall for the purposes of upper age limit under any rule, be excluded from his age; and ] [(iii) in the case of Ex-Defence personnel, the interval between the date of their release from the Defence Forces of Pakistan, including the Mujahid Force and the date of re-employment in a Civil Department subject to a maximum of seven years and the whole of the period of service rendered by them in such Forces shall for the purposes of upper age limit under any rule, be excluded from their age.] [(iv) in the case of a person who has rendered national service under the Pakistan National Service Ordinance, 1970, the period actually spent by him in such service shall, for the purpose of upper age limit prescribed under any rule, for appointment to any service/post be excluded from his age.] [(v) in the case of a candidate already working as a Government servant, the period of his continuous service as such shall for the purpose of upper age limit prescribed under any service rules of the post for which he is a candidate, be excluded from his age.] [Provided the upper-age limit shall not exceed. 35 years for recruitment to any post to be filled in on the recommendations of the Punjab Public Service Commission on the basis of the combined competitive examination [competitive examination.] [(vi) In case of a disabled person as defined in rule 2(iii) above the maximum upper age limit prescribed in the Service/Recruitment Rules, for appointment to a post, shall be raised by 10 years.] 4. The Punjab Civil Services Recruitment (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Under-developed Areas) Rules, 1973, are hereby repealed. [contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]
THE PUNJAB CIVIL SERVANTS RECRUITMENT (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit) RULES, 1976 Read More »
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