The Area Study Centres Act of 1975 is a significant piece of legislation in Pakistan that establishes and regulates Area Study Centres (ASCs) in various universities across the country. These ASCs are specialized research and academic institutions dedicated to the in-depth study and research of specific regions, countries, and areas of strategic importance. The act provides the legal framework for the establishment, organization, and functioning of ASCs, contributing to Pakistan’s pursuit of comprehensive knowledge and understanding of global affairs___________
- Short title, extent and commencement.
- Definitions.
- Establishment of Centre.
- Functions of centre.
- Board of Governors.
- Director.
- Academic Committee.
- Fund.
- Audit and accounts, etc.
9A. Power to transfer centres.
- Power to make rules.
- Power to make regulations.
Updated till 03.01.2023
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ACT No. XLV of 1975
[24th April, 1975]
An Act to provide for the establishment of Area Study Centres in the Universities for the study
of contemporary societies particularly those which effect the national interest of Pakistan.
WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the establishment of Area Study Centres in the
Universities for the study of contemporary societies particularly those which affect the national
interest of Pakistan;
It is hereby enacted as follows:—
- Short title, extent and commencement.—(1) This Act may be called the Area Study
Centres Act, 1975.
(2) It extends to the whole of Pakistan.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
- Definitions. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,—
(a) “Board” means a Board of Governors referred to in sub-section (1) of section 5;
(b) “Centre” means an Area Study Centre established under section 3;
(c) “Commission” means the University Grants Commission;
(d) “Director” means the Director of a Centre;
(e) “regulations” means regulations made under section 11; and
(f) “rules” means rules made under section 10.
- Establishment of Centre. As soon as may be after the commencement of this Act, the
Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, establish an Area Study Centre in a
University specified in the notification.
- Functions of Centre. A Centre shall—
(a) engage in high level teaching and research;
(b) train research workers;
For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Gaz. of P., 1975, Ext., Pt. III, p. 170.
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(c) establish M. Phil., Ph. D. and other programmes in the relevant disciplines in
accordance with the standard and requirements of the University;
(d) promote cooperation in inter-disciplinary relationship with other teaching and
research establishments;
(e) arrange conferences, seminars and refresher courses for the development of
teaching and research; and
(f) conduct teaching and research in such particular field as is assigned to it by the
Federal Government after consultation with the University.
- Board of Governors.— (1) The management, overall control and supervision of the affairs
of a Centre established in University shall vest in a Board of Governors consisting of the following,
members, namely:—
(a) Vice-Chancellor of the University, who shall also be its Chairman;
(b) a representative of the Commission;
(c) a representative of the Pakistan History Commission;
(d) a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
(e) a representative of the Ministry of Education;
(f) Dean of the Faculty of the University;
(g) two experts in the relevant discipline to be nominated by the Federal
Government on the recommendation of the Commission;
(h) one nominee of the Syndicate of the University;
(i) one nominee of the Academic Council of the university; and
(j) Director of the Centre.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provision, a Board
shall have the power to—
(a) approve the academic and research programmes of the Centre, with the
concurrence of the Academic Council of the University;
(b) lay down rules of admission to the Centre;
(c) institute fellowships for promotion of research in the discipline concerned;
(d) create, suspend or abolish such posts as may be necessary;
(e) appoint teachers and other officers; and
(f) hold, control and administer the funds of the Centre.
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(3) A member of a Board referred to in clause (g) of Subsection (1) shall hold office for such
term as may be determined by the Federal Government.
(4) The meetings of a Board shall be held as and when called by the Chairman:
Provided that not less than two meetings shall be held in each year.
(5) In the exercise of its powers and performance of its functions, a Board shall be subject to
such special or general instructions as may be issued by the Commission from time to time.
(6) A Board may, for the speedy and efficient working of the Centre, delegate to the Director
such of its powers as it may deem necessary.
6.Director.— (1) The Director shall be appointed by the Federal Government on the
recommendation of the Commission on such remuneration and other terms and conditions of service
as may be determined by the Federal Government in consultation with the University.
(2) The Director shall be the academic and executive head of the Centre and Secretary of the
Board, and shall be responsible to the Board for carrying out the objectives of the Centre.
(3) The Director shall perform such other functions and exercise such powers as may be
assigned or delegated to him by the Board.
(4) The Director may, by writing under his hand addressed to the Chairman, resign his
- Academic Committee.— (1) At each Centre there shall be an Academic Committee
consisting of the following members, namely: —
(a) the Director, who shall also be its convener;
(b) all Professors and Associate Professors of the Centre; and
(c) two experts to be nominated by the Commission.
(2) The Committee may associate such other experts as it may consider necessary.
(3) The Committee shall prepare and submit to the Board the academic and research
programmes of the Centre.
- Fund. Each Centre shall have a fund to which shall be credited—
(a) grants made by the Federal Government, the Provincial Governments and the
(b) contributions and donations from individuals, local bodies, corporations,
institutions, organizations and agencies; and
(c) income from fees.
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- Audit and accounts etc.— (1) The accounts of a Centre shall be maintained in such form
and manner as may be prescribed by rules.
(2) The accounts of a Centre shall be audited once every year by an auditor appointed by the
Commission on such remuneration, if any, to be paid by the Centre, as the Commission may fix.
(3) A Centre shall submit, through the Commission, to the Federal Government a copy of
its audited annual accounts, together with the observations of the Director, if any, thereon, and a
report on the activities of the Centre during the preceding year.
(4) A Centre shall furnish to the Federal Government such information relating to its
activities as may be asked for by the Federal Government from time to time.
[9 A. Power to transfer Centres. The Federal Government may, by Order published in the
official Gazette and subject to such conditions as may be specified therein, transfer any Centre to a
university or as the case may be, the provincial Government.]
- Power to make rules. The Federal Government may, by notification in the official
Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
- Power to make regulations. A Centre may, with the approval of the Commission, make
such regulations, not inconsistent with the rules, as it may consider necessary for carrying out the
purposes of this Act.
Ins. by Ord. 58 of 02, s.2 and Sch.
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